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PsyCare Ireland Impacts at Electric Picnic 2022


Although PsyCare Ireland was not involved in providing the welfare at Electric Picnic our voice was very much heard at the event.

Our Trustee Michael, Kathryn and Declan all participated in an expert panel on drugs in Ireland on the Sunday which was very well received.

Our input was into the international context of drugs in Ireland, the reasons people use drugs and international best practice.

Our Trustees Michael and Kathryn were also at the event in the capacity of team leaders in the Help Not Harm welfare team at the event.

We worked on the nightshift and Kat helped with refreshing the volunteers on how to deal with medical emergencies and call medics.

Finally our trustees Mick and Kat also delivered a workshop on Harm Reduction during the Saturday of the event, advising people on unsafe combinations, the risks, harm reduction principles and advice for staying safe in the festival context.

These impacts though tiring and taking a lot from us individually felt right and important in the context of Ireland's biggest festival.

Alongside developments at our end we were thrilled to see the back of house drug testing service provided by the HSE being launched and the first at event drug alerts being shared across the festival.


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