While we didn't achieve the ultimate success, PsyCare Ireland made significant strides by advancing to the final round of interviews and securing a spot among the final 12 out of 106 contestants in the Social Entrepreneurs Ireland's Impact Award for 2023
The process awards five projects a year with a years consulting and a €20,000.00 grant. Our journey with the process began with an extremely detailed application form, strategic plan and impact measurements.
In July 2023 we were delighted to be asked to come and pitch to a live panel of five judges as part of the top 40 of the 106 application received. This live interview consisted of an 8 minute pitch followed by up to 30 minutes of questions from the judges.

We were delighted to be then informed that we made the final 12 and in late July 2023 our Chairperson Michael took part in one final pitch and 40 minute interview in order to stress why we felt that PsyCare Ireland should be awarded.
Although we did not finish in the top five the feedback we received, the guidance and the experience is something that we feel will be invaluable to PsyCare Ireland moving forward.
We have big ambitions for PsyCare Ireland to grow into a household name in Ireland where every festival and gig will have services to support people who are having a mental health issue or a substance induced issue.
Thanks Social Entrepreneurs Ireland for organizing a brilliant initiative and we will see you guys next year again!