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PsyCare Ireland committee expands for 2024


One of the decisions we made in 2023 was to expand the PsyCare Ireland committee, and we opened an invitation to volunteers to express interest in December.

While we're busy through the summer months running the service at festivals, there is a lot of behind the scenes work that goes on throughout the entire year. We're currently working on grant applications, we're engaged in developing further training opportunities, we're bolstering our policy around safety and risk management, ensuring the way that we manage data is GDPR compliant, and we're pushing forward with our application for charitable status. Alongside that, there is managing and developing our website, social media, and promotion. There's videos to shoot and post, press and PR to write, posters to design and banners and flags to print.

Yep, and that's before we get to liaising with the actual festivals, managing inventory for the season, ensuring equipment is all up to scratch, and then organising the logistics and our team of over 100 volunteers.

So, thankfully, we had plenty of people respond to our call out and we've taken the opportunity to welcome several new committee members in January - we'll do a little update next month to properly introduce you! This is amazing for us, because it brings on board several proficiencies which we didn't have, and it helps to spread the workload around more evenly. We all agree that it is healthy to have new energy and ideas in the mix, and should you ever feel like you have something to offer (like you can use your TikTok knowledge for the good of humankind) then please keep an eye out for any future call-outs and get in touch!

One big focus of the committee meeting in January was on fundraising opportunities - last year we had a great night out at Wigwam where we had an amazing raffle and a chance for people to donate and support PsyCare Ireland. And we're busy in the background hatching plans for 2024s fundraiser gig! So please stay tuned here and we will provide you with more details and hopefully see you for a little boogie.



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