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PsyCare Ireland at Fuinneamh Festival 2022


Finally in September 2022 the day arrived where PsyCare Ireland would be providing full welfare services to a festival.

Fuinneamh Festival are integral to our story as it was a request from this festival in 2021 that brought us all together to form the board of PsyCare Ireland.

That festival never went due to covid but in 2022 we finally got to attend with 10 volunteers for our largest team to date to actually provide full welfare services.

Over the course of this event we helped 22 guests through difficult substance induced experiences and chatted with 100s of others about the principles of harm reduction and being safer with their substance use.

PsyCare's first birthday party was in essence a chance for us to shine in a way we hadn't been able to before.

Our team was briefed, before and afterward with support because if we can't look after our own volunteers then what are we doing.

A massive thank you to our team and to Fuinneamh festival for making this all happen!

We can't wait to be back next year to provide full welfare services with more volunteers and more spaces and supports for festivals goers.


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