In November, we also had representation at a couple of important events that helped PsyCare Ireland meet and connect with others who are pushing to make the world a little bit better. On 16th November we attended the National Drugs Forum in Croke Park, which was focused on new developments and thinking in drug and alcohol research and policy. This included presentations on the outcomes of the Citizen's Assembly, as well as looking at the tensions between health awareness and the law. Both Ireland's the EU's current drugs strategies are due to come to an end in 2025, so this was an important opportunity to be informed about how drugs policies are developing internationally, and to better understand how PsyCare Ireland can continue to provide welfare and assistance to the people who need it.

We also attended a day with Oakfield Charitable Trust - a Clondalkin based group which helps support social enterprise organisations. PsyCare Ireland was one of eleven social enterprises who were awarded funding through Oakfield's programme in 2023, and on top of that, it has also been an really great gateway to connect in with other people who are involved in projects that aim to serve a social function. The info from the networking day, and the relationships we continue to grow through the community help to get PsyCare Ireland established with a wider audience.
We were also in along for a workshop hosted by William Fry solictors called 'A Day in the Life of an NGO' - this event was part of Pro Bono Week 2023, where legal organisations like William Fry, Arthur Cox, and A&L Goodbody collaborated to host a workshop addressing the challenges faced by civil society organisations in Ireland. The day focused on topics such as charity law and data protection - both of which are important to operating our organisation. It was an important day of connection with other organisations, and of learning how best to best navigate through the legal considerations and circumstances that NGOs routinely face.