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Donate to PsyCare

PsyCare Ireland is a fully incorporated Company Limited by Guarantee which is totally volunteer run.


We are a grass-roots movement relying on the support of our community to make an impact within the entertainment sector where substance-use is prevalent. We use all donated funds to educate festival goers on drug harm reduction and to help people through any psychological distress or substance induced psychological distress.


Your donation can help us to feed volunteers, run services, buy equipment, pay for services and build our brand. 


  1. €5.00 - less than the price of a pint - could help us feed one volunteer for a day at an event - one volunteer can help upwards of 10 festival goers on one shift.


2. €10.00 could help us buy a piece of equipment to make our service welcoming and comfortable such as yoga mats, lighting, soft furnishing and pillows.


3. €25.00 could help us to pay for an essential service for a month like accountants, insurance, google subscription.


4. €50.00 could pay for a full tank of fuel for our van to transport all our equipment for a festival.


5. €100.00 could help us to train five volunteers - a volunteer who can work with us for many summers, could help 100s of individuals in distress over their time with us.


6. €500.00 could help us print harm reduction material for a year which could be given out to 1,000s of festival goers.


To donate you can us via Stripe or our PayPal Link! For a receipt or to direct your donation to a certain part of our cause please send us an email to

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